Who are we?

Lead GP/Clinical Lead  – Tim Walter Falkland Surgery, Newbury (TW)

Public Health Lead – Dr Buchi Reddy, West Berkshire Public Health (BR)

QDiabetes – Prof.  Julia Hippisley-Cox, Nottingham University (JHC)

Co-Authors – John Robson and Kambiz Boomla, Queen Mary’s, University of London (JD and KB)

CCG Lead – Angus Tallini, Newbury and District Clinical Commissioning Group (AT)

Eat4Health Co-ordinator – Mel Benford (MB)

Funding for the actual intervention has come from Newbury and District Clinical Commissioning Group as a Quality Improvement project.  This website and associated information and analysis kindly supported by a QInnovation grant from QResearch (a joint not-for-profit partnership between Emis plc, Emis NUG and University of Nottingham).
